Please define “Vernacular”.

This is regarding the following news articles:-

Firstly, let’s think about it logically. Why Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa Malaysia? Why not English? With the way the world is today, where it is divided mainly into 2 major camps, the US and Europe in the west, and China and Russia in the east, we can only see 3 major languages being used. English, Mandarin and Russian. Next, English is the lingua franca of Science and Mathematics. Any professional worth their salt uses English terminology. The only exception might be China and Russia, since they’re so huge. But to spread their knowledge to the rest of the world, they need to use English as well. Not to mention that English is a more precise and simple language with lower context, so the meaning is easier to understand.

Secondly, what precisely is the definition of “Vernacular”? A vernacular school is a school that teaches using a vernacular language as the main medium of teaching and communication. A vernacular language is basically one’s mother tongue. Like say Mandarin, or Tamil, etc. But let’s think about it logically. If Mandarin and Tamil which are recognized major languages are vernacular languages, then the same should apply to French, German, Italian, Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa Malaysia, English, Russian, and just about any and every language in this world. Even sign language might as well be included. So, in that case, if vernacular languages are not allowed in Malaysia, then we might as well not use any language, not even sign language.

In that case, what are we left with? The only option we are left with is to grunt and make uncivilized sounds in an attempt to communicate with each other like cave people from the Stone Age. Is this really where we want our beloved Malaysia to be headed? I say no. Because I love my country and I want it to progress, not regress.

Posted on 24 November 2023